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Summer Cucumber Salad Herbed Yogurt

Summer Cucumber Salad with Herbed Yogurt

This fresh summer cucumber salad with herbed yogurt is perfectly paired with sweet chiogga beets and your herbs of choice. It's truly a celebration of summer!



  • 3 oz cucumber ribbons (see note below)
  • 3 oz sliced cooked beets


  • 2 oz almond yogurt, plain, unsweetened


  • wedge lemon, squeezed
  • pinch salt
  • handful dill, minced (or other herbs you enjoy)
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • Lots of freshly ground black pepper


  • First, make the herbed yogurt sauce: Combine the yogurt, dill, salt, garlic and lemon, and season to your taste.
  • Next, assemble the salad: Layer the cucumber ribbons with the beets and drizzle the sauce over. Top with freshly ground black pepper and enjoy!


This recipe contains vegetables and fat, for those counting. 
For this recipe, you'll need to make cucumber ribbons. Use any regular cucumber (not small Kirby's) or English cucumber for this purpose. Regular cucumbers tend to have thick skin, so feel free to peel it. English cucumbers have softer skin, and they don't need to be peeled in this application. I just use a wide veggie peeler like this one, or a simple mandolin like this one and make long, thin ribbons. You can also use a regular veggie peeler. Only peel the solid part of the cucumber, and stop right at the seeds. Save the middle seedy part for future salads.